Distributed by Boogaerdt Hout and delivered by XL Wood, 30m3 of uncoated Accoya was used to create a pedestrian bridge at the Dieren railway station. The bridge is part of a large scale renovation, driven by a collaboration between ProRail, the municipality of Rheden and the province of Gelderland.
Allart Vogelzang, from prestigious Architectural firm Onix Achterbosch Kunstwerken, the architects behind the design of the Accoya Sneek Bridge, favourably chose Accoya due to its “reliability and low maintenance.”
When discussing the reasons for selecting Accoya Allart also stated that: “Accoya is a hard material and extremely durable. As a result, the wood is considered safe enough for use above the track. Using Accoya reduces the cost of periodic maintenance. The 50 year warranty Accsys gives Accoya and the previous experiences we have makes us trust in the product.”
Applications used in this project: Inspiration