
Accoya Color Grey Decking and Pool Surround


Renovation of a wooden terrace

Renovation of a wooden terrace

This decking and pool deck surround made of Accoya Color Grey was built in the yard of this family home. In addition to the charm of real wood, the grey decking boards also bring a wonderful contrast to the garden. The grey color of the wooden deck looks very nice between the blue of the swimming pool and the green of nature.

Accoya decking replaced an existing wooden deck that had rotted and had to be replaced.


Applications used in this project:Decking Decking

High performance Accoya decking

High performance Accoya decking

When the homeowner needed to replace his old hardwood deck, it was clear that he wanted a sustainable wooden deck again. This time, however, he chose decking made from durable Accoya wood so the deck won’t need to be replaced for decades. Barefoot-friendliness was also an important benefit in the pool area: Accoya decking continues feeling smooth under feet over time as there are no nasty cracks or splinters.

Grey decking boards that don't need coating

Grey decking boards that don’t need coating

The homeowner was quickly won over by the Accoya Color Grey decking. His old deck had naturally turned grey over time and acquired a silver-grey patina. The owner did not want to wait and go through this weathering process again, which is why he was interested in pre-greyed decking boards. However, conventional, pre-greyed alternatives were out of the question, as annual re-oiling is too expensive. Accoya Color Grey decking was clearly the best alternative.

Thanks to a sophisticated dying process, Accoya Color Grey decking boards are dyed all the way through – from the surface to the core. The grey color therefore remains in the long term and requires no oiling or re-dying. Since the grey color is all the way through the board, it also means scratches and scrapes are not visible.


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