Accoya exterior siding, heartfelt house

Accoya cladding for the Heartfelt House

Springfield, Oregon

United States

Beautiful and kind to the planet

Beautiful and kind to the planet

PeaceHealth and Ronald McDonald House Charities have built a new respite facility, the ‘Heartfelt House’ featuring Accoya wood for its exterior cladding. Located in Oregon, the house provides accommodation for families of loved ones being treated at the Sacred Heart Medical Center, RiverBend. The project completed in May 2019.


The ambition was to provide a more homely feel for guests who have spent long days at the hospital, creating a warm and welcoming environment and connecting them with nature. 2fORM Architecture chose Accoya for the exterior facade to help meet these goals.


Research has shown that exposure to natural materials such as wood rather than today’s common concrete, metals and plastic, can help to promote wellbeing. Accoya being grown in FSC certified and sustainable forests, is Cradle to Cradle Certified Platinum for material health, combining these features with the outstanding performance made Accoya wood the natural choice for the project.


The Accoya siding was manufactured and installed by Tall Pine Contractors. They coated it with Sansin Precision Coat SDF in a custom tint. Sansin finishes are well suited for Accoya, helping to create a warm, beautiful aesthetic.

Applications used in this project:Siding Siding

Accoya exterior siding, heartfelt house
Project Statistics

Project Statistics

ARCHITECT: 2fORM Architecture


MANUFACTURER: Tall Pine Contractors




COATING: Sansin Precision Coat SDF – Custom tint

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