Jerusalem’s historic Montefiore mill


Restored after 136 years with Accoya wood

Restored after 136 years with Accoya wood

After standing still for over 100 years, the sails of Jerusalem’s iconic Montefiore Windmill are turning once again.

The historic windmill, built in the neighborhood of Mishkenot Sha’ananim in 1857, was the first work place for Jews outside the Old City of Jerusalem. The structure has now been restored to working order and will serve as an educational and tourism site, and can even produce bread. The windmill has had new systems installed and its sails are made from Accoya wood.

The contractor and joiner Bouw en Molenbouw Bertus Dijkstra Vof from the Netherlands used Accoya wood delivered by Boogarerdt Hout because of its class 1 durability and its exceptional stability. The Glulam was manufactured by Schaffitzel and a ColorSeen TimberStain from Leegwater Houtbereiding, the Netherlands was applied.

Applications used in this project:Inspiration Inspiration


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