Accoya fins selected for the Royal Arena





The Royal Arena in Copenhagen, completed in late 2016 by the Danish architecture firm 3XN, was designed to host a variety of international arts and sporting events.

Durability and aesthetic appeal were key considerations in its design, leading to the selection of Accoya as the ideal material. Its elegant appearance gives the building a striking and bespoke style.

Approximately 250 cubic meters of Accoya were used for the arena’s entire façade. The arena seats 12,500 people, with additional standing capacity for 15,000. Accoya was chosen not only for its durability but also for meeting global environmental standards. 3XN, known for their commitment to sustainable development, found Accoya to be a perfect fit for the project.

Accoya is distributed by Keflico in Denmark.


Applications used in this project:Cladding Cladding

8 Years of Natural Transformation

8 Years of Natural Transformation

In addition to its durability, Accoya’s weathering process contributes to its appeal. When left uncoated and exposed to the elements, Accoya naturally weathers to an elegant silvery-grey tone.

This transformation occurs gradually, with slight patchiness at first due to uneven exposure to sunlight and rain, but it eventually evens out.

Importantly, this weathering does not compromise Accoya’s structural integrity, stability, or performance, ensuring its long-term use and aesthetic appeal without needing heavy maintenance.

Take a look at the image below, taken eight years after the completion of the Royal Arena.


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