Accoya cladding used in Waldens Farmhouse


United Kingdom

Adam Knibb Architects choose Accoya cladding

Adam Knibb Architects choose Accoya cladding

This contemporary, rural farmhouse is a 4-bed, self-build designed by Adam Knibb Architects. This property has made sure to maintain its strong farming roots by incorporating Accoya timber cladding and stone with other features of the land such as existing barns and outbuildings. The architects have managed to sprinkle some modern flair to the property by adding glass; in doing this they have successfully intertwined the outside landscape with the inside.

Applications used in this project:Cladding Cladding Decking Decking Doors Doors

Connecting with nature

Connecting with nature

The property is situated in West Grimstead near Salisbury and has views to the north of the site. To make the most of the beautiful view, the architects have chosen a skillion roof; an angled surface to allow runoff, and vaulted ceiling which slopes upwards from the north to the south; allowing the rear of the house to open. The floor to ceiling windows and doors (the frames made of Accoya), assist with making the property feel as open and connected to the outside. With the multitude of glass covering the house, privacy is important; conveniently, the mature trees on the north face of the property provides fantastic coverage of the bedrooms.

Accoya wood

Accoya wood

The homeowner and builder ordered 125mm × 150mm of Accoya from Jewson in Salisbury via International Timber and cut the wood into three different widths. In order to complete the all-round timber exterior look, the architects had decided to use SIP (Structured Insulated panels) panel construction; popular with modern buildings, in comparison to other building materials such as brick, for example. One reason being that they are quicker to build with, therefore, money can be saved on other expenses such as scaffolding. Behind the Accoya cladding a counter batten and insect mesh have been installed. As well as the cladding on the exterior of the property that continues through the glass to the outside soffits; to further fit the wooden aesthetic of the property, Accoya has been used on the ceiling inside the property. Additionally, this sustainable wood has also been used to create two doors and door frames.


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