Accoya Backyard Oasis by OR.CA Living

San Francisco, CA

United States

The Stanyan Project

The Stanyan Project

The homeowners of this Victorian home in San Francisco wanted to expand their backyard landscaping. They called upon local landscaping firm OR.CA’s principal designer, Molly Sedlacek, to transform their steep and inaccessible backyard into a space that’s equally productive as it is relaxing—starting with finally building stairs safe enough for their young daughter to climb. (Domino Article)

Accoya wood was chosen for the decking, fencing and stairs. It was left unsealed to allow for a silver look after weathering naturally.

OR.CA Living doesn’t use hardwood. “We believe in only using wood that is sustainably harvested and processed. For a long time we were using softwoods like cedar and redwoods but then when modified softwoods came out into the market, Accoya was the perfect fit for our design philosophy” says Sedlacek.




Applications used in this project:Decking Decking Deck Stairs Deck Stairs

Why Accoya?

Why Accoya?

Accoya wood has been one of OR.CA Living’s go-to products for outdoor landscaping.

Sedlacek chose Accoya for the Stanyan Project in consideration of the constantly changing San Francisco climate and that this is the couple’s forever home. “It is just more sustainably harvested,” she explains—the process uses fast-growing, abundant pine trees and doesn’t add any chemicals into the wood.

“The owners loved the bold graining so much we decided to place it everywhere.” The material is also used as fencing around the yard’s perimeter. The seating for the firepit in the back, however, is made of locally sourced redwood beams, a nod to a nearby national park (Domino Article).


Project Stats

Project Stats

Designer: OR.CA Living

Builder: Brad Doran

Additional Info: Domino Article

Accoya wood provided by Accoya Manufacturer, Sierra Forest Products



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