Manly beachfront


New Zealand

Dark stained Accoya

Dark stained Accoya

Accoya was chosen for the exterior cladding of this stunning beachfront home at Manly Beach, Whangaparaoa, North Auckland. Constructed locally by Marty Hyland Builders and designed by Trevor Wilson from  ARCreate, two types of weatherboard profiles were used for the cladding. The first was a standard bevelback (P62) and the second a custom rusticated style (P835), as well as some 45×45 battens. All the weatherboards were then coated in Resene Bokara Grey.

ARCreate also designed the beautiful Accoya Red Beach House, which the homeowners from Manly Beach found extremely impressive. Accoya was also selected for this project because of its capabilities to perform exceptionally in locations where elements such as; sun, sea, wind and rain are common, and in this case would be battering against the front facing side of the house regularly. Accoya’s stunning aesthetic appearance and low maintenance lifecycle were also positive factors for the homeowners.

Applications used in this project:Cladding Cladding


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