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Harper Timber - Head Office

Angebotene Produkte :
Detailhandel Holz

Für weitere Informationen, Preise und Zeitpläne kontaktieren Sie Harper Timber - Head Office noch heute

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359 Wentworth Avenue,
Pendle Hill,
+612... +612 9896 1000
Über uns
Harper Timber is a family owned business and specialized in the supply of Accoya with milling capabilities.

With our large storage and timber machining department we can manufacture custom profiles for decking, claddings, landscaping and any other specific customized profile for your commercial or residential project application. We are committed to sustainability and we offer full performance solutions to you with Accoya wood.

Feel free to leave us an enquiry for Accoya. We will respond to you in due course.

We also invite you to visit us or chat with one of our friendly and knowledgeable staff to receive quality advice on Accoya for your project. Alternatively, browse our website for more information and inspiration regarding this wonderful product.
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