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R&E Falkingham LTD

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Village Farm,
Main Street,
YO19 6RG,
Vereinigtes Königreich
0190... 01904 230682
Über uns
R&E Falkingham LTD has grown into one of York’s leading Joinery manufacturers. We are not a company that likes to stand still, constantly trying to increase the quality of our services. With this in mind, we have invested heavily in new machinery & with a skilled workforce to meet our customer needs. This makes our joinery products cost effective and some of the best on the market.

A big part of our business still consists of traditional replica work for listed buildings and period properties. However, using modern science and techniques we can offer certified BFRC rated wooden windows and doors, fully factory spray finished.
Our windows have the highest energy efficient rating so they outperform a lot of our competitors nationwide.
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