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Über uns
FineHouse has been at the forefront of manufacturing architectural garden structures and trelliswork utilizing high quality wood, metal and composites since 2000. In 2016, w…
FineHouse has been at the forefront of manufacturing architectural garden structures and trelliswork utilizing high quality wood, metal and composites since 2000. In 2016, we began specifying and utilizing Accoya in the design and development of our garden structures. Accoya and Tricoya have turned out to be our “go to” wood species for the highest performance in outdoor use.

Because our structures are shop fabricated and delivered to the final construction site as a Pre-Crafted™ “kit”, a quality assured material is most desirable. With it’s dimensional stability, ease of workability and superior properties for receiving and holding a finish, we recommend and love working with Accoya.
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