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Allkind Joinery & Glass Pty Ltd

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+61 ... +61 7 3359 3025
Über uns
ALLKIND Joinery & Glass is a prestige timber joinery located in Brisbane, QLD Australia. Our founders established ALLKIND in 1970. Over time ALLKIND has upgraded machinery to include some of the latest computerised machines, however, we faithfully maintain the traditional construction of full mortise and tenon, wedged and glued joints in all our timber windows and doors. All our architectural joinery range products are hand-crafted to ensure our products are consistently of the highest quality.

At ALLKIND, we take great pride in training our own apprentices to ensure that the in-house skills, developed over generations, are maintained. This also ensures that the premium quality of our products is consistently provided to our clients. Our key staff members have been with us for over 25 years – a testimony to the strength and skill level within our company.
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